

Sara.H was born in 1968 In Fribourg, Switzerland.

Captivated by art in her childhood, she was early interested in paintings thanks to the influence of her grandmother, an art restorer. She was brought up in a natural and musical environment. Later, the idea of being a sculptor became imperative and gave her life a new challenge.

Already at the age of 13, her skills and interests took form through illustrations of story tales she wrote with her sisters. Then, encouraged by her family and friends as well as by professionals, she exhibited her paintings and drawings.

Her encounter with the artist DeLaPerouze led her to the opening of her first workshop.

At 29, sculpture became a necessity to express her art. She discovered the world of modelling and bronze. Passionate by the desire to instil the fantasy and magic she feels in nature, music and Life, Sara.H has tamed the earth for countless hours to finally manage to transmit her emotion.

” My goal is to be increasingly truthful in my art, and I think this will easily take a lifetime. ” she explains.

In 2000 she met Etienne Chatton (Curator of The International Center of Fantasy Art), who gave her his shrewd advice and brought her to create monumental pieces. Since then, the workshop contains large sculptures and both artists give support to each other in their mutual creations.

Diverse institutions and Communes regularly ask them to create important art pieces. For Sara.H, her art of predilection can be described in this unique saying:

” Sculpture is a music that is listened to with the eyes
and played with the fingertips. “

With the support of the Association Légende d’Automne ( and the experience gained from the creation of the Parc de la Légende in Lausanne (Switzerland), Sara.H embarks on new projects in collaboration with The artist DeLaPerouze, who will follow the same concept.

Main exhibitions list